All posts by admin

Lesly Testimony

As I enter into the final days of my internship, “WOW”. What God has done in me has been amazing. I have had many, and I can say “many” health, and life challenges.  “I know what the Word of God says”;  Philippians 1:6 (AMP) And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you!

I have learned more and more each day, how to hear the voice of God. I think of something, and go to the Word to see what it says. We must remember we are a “work in progress”, from Glory to Glory. Zechariah 4:10 (NLT) Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin….” What a comfort it is to know that God has sent His Holy Spirit to help me (us) in everything, including prayer. There is no situation that He cannot work for good. As I prayed today, I ask the Holy Spirit to help me. Even if I am hurting so deeply that all I can do is groan, the Holy Spirit can even articulate that accurately to God and bring my answer. I (You) have a Divine Helper Who is with you all the time, so be sure to call on Him often. The Bible also tells us in Proverb 3:5, 6, 7 to trust Him…



Amanda Testimony

I’ve learned this year to not only listen to the Word, but let your heart grab hold of it and run with it. In Matthew chapter 13 Jesus uses a parable to explain the Word going forth and whether the people just hear it or actually grab hold of it. If  you’re letting the Word get inside you and you truly hear and understand God’s word, you’ll see fruit. If you’re just listening to what is said and letting it go in one ear and out the other, you won’t see any fruit in your life. I’ve been using this passage to encourage myself to pour into others what has been poured into me. I’ve been asking God to bring people across my path who I can share the love of God with. After I got home from church, my friends and I decided to stay in my car and just listen to worship music. Before we knew it, we had been worshipping for over an hour. When we got out of my car, a man in my apartment complex was walking his dog. We immediately went over to witness to him. He began to tell us about his life. He was a war Veteran and had lost his wife and daughter. He told us how he hadn’t experienced true love since their passing. So, we used that opportunity to just share the love of God and pray over him. His exact words were, “If I ever had to go into battle again, I would want you girls with me because you have the Lord on your side and I know we would win.” I’ve never received such an amazing compliment. So, if you pour out what has been poured into you, you could change someone’s life.

Chelsea Testimony

When your heart is right and receptive to God you want the Word to take over you. You come to a place in your life where something drastic happens or you realize that you’ve hit rock bottom and you are nothing without Him. For the longest time I didn’t get into the Word because every time I would begin to read it, I wouldn’t understand it. But it’s because my heart wasn’t where it was supposed to be. I didn’t care to look for answers and I thought I didn’t need anything else but the world.  But something drastic happened in my life and there was nothing else but the Word to depend on. The Word is everything you need. I woke up one morning and prayed, “Lord break my heart; break my heart for what breaks yours.

Let me be more in love with you than my job, than my family, than my friends.” I wanted my heart to be broken for everything that God had and wanted for me. I needed answers and I opened up the word to Isaiah 58:11 “I will show you where to go. I’ll give you a full life in the emptiest of places; firm muscles, strong bones. You’ll be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry.” He gives you a life where you see no direction in your own.  I began to let the word take over me in every empty place. I would read and be receptive and everything started making sense. Whether it was peace, comfort, love, guidance, or faith, the word began to show me the love and grace of God and He’s all I ever need in my life! Once your heart is right and receptive to God, you will want to constantly eat the Word and fill yourself and never become empty again.

Xan-jevan Testimony

Pastor Rodney’s teaching on “the word sown in the hearts of man” has been a powerful message. I’ve really taken a lot of what he has mentioned to heart. You really do see fruit flow forth from your life by keeping a humble heart and accepting the word in your heart and using it to protect your life. And I see the fruit of the word in my life, every day I spend time in the word in the morning, during lunch and at night before bed. Then as I receive the word into my life then when I go out and share the love of God I begin to see that word come out of me and help others in their relationship with God or even help others understand God and even accept Jesus into their lives for the first time. I am a leader in a youth group and I have to stay in the word and at times help others get into the word in a more deeper way. We have to be like those planted in fertile soil just like in the parable of the sower in Mark 4 and those are the ones who will produce thirty, sixty and even one hundred fold. A week ago the Lord placed on my heart sow into one of my students life my iPod and to not only give it to him and wipe it clean but to load it up with word of God and even teachings on the word. And I’ve put audio bibles and the twelve pillars of my faith by Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne and since then my friend has been thanking me and his word life and prayer life has grown tremendously.  And I’ve seen the fruit of it with my own eyes, so that’s what I want to keep doing. I don’t want just me to produce more fruit but for others to see the multiplication of what the word does in a individuals life.

Rodney Howard Browne – Sean Testimony

The Spring Ministers and Leaders Conference was a set of strategic meetings that were preparing ministers for what is coming to America. I had the privilege of driving transportation for many of the guests from all over the world.  I think in the book of Ezekiel where it speaks of a watchman was an important basis for where the meetings headed and how people are responsible to share what God has showed them.  I believe many people received their marching orders from God and will return to their homes with an entirely different viewpoint of America and what is going on behind the scenes with the government.

Pastor Corey’s message on giving was very powerful and I think many received breakthrough in the financial realm because of it.  We definitely need to get involved and take a stand for what is happening in this country.  Without a great awakening America will be lost forever.


Rodney Howard Browne – Michael Testimony

The sounds become familiar; the views the same.  The people you know.  You recognize the front row.  This is the third time I have been here and my fifth year.

It’s funny.  There are many expectations; both internal and external.  I was quite sure that I had everything figured out this past January, I was going back to work the same job I had previously worked.  Then the job went away.

You hear the Voice.  It calls.  You see the impossible, but you know your God.  You know that something in your life has changed.   More important, you know something in your life has broken off.  And you hear, over and over, “I have called you to the nations.”  You just put it on the shelf.  You ponder.  Then you get called out, “God has called you to a nation and it will be soon.”  More to ponder.

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with a man-of-God as I was driving him to his hotel.  He asked me, “What was I going to do when I finished.”  I knew the implication, “Are you going into ministry?”  Without thinking about it, I was emphatic.  I said, “I did not put me into internship and I am not going to put me into ministry.”


Ministry will have to pursue me as I pursue God.


Rodney Howard Browne – Sam Testimony

I have often heard that the Bible is the “Living” Word of God but now after these times of reading and studying the Word I understand what that statement means. One thing that has come to the forefront in my life is the teaching gift that the Father revealed had been placed within me. Now that I have allowed the Word access into my heart, I have been able to lead small groups in Bible studies and seen those people grow in the things of the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to operate in their lives. My times of study have proved exceptionally helpful during times in the Prayer and Care center ministering to people who call in for prayer. I have seen numerous healings and breakthroughs all because of the Holy Word of God.


Rodney Howard Browne – Felicia Testimony

I have learned that as a child of God in order to be like our Daddy, we listen to what He says and then act on it. Taking notes during preaching is very helpful because you can receive the Word and then continue in the weeks to come to learn how to apply the Word in the areas of your life so it will be effective in you, for you, and through you. Keeping your heart free from strife, rebellion, gossip and other such sin will keep hearts soft and receptive. As we do this, we will open ourselves to receiving the Word of God, allow it to take root in our hearts as our actions correspond with that Word, and the fruit of the Spirit will be produced in our life!


Rodney Howard Browne – Rudi W. Testimony

My experience during the student great awakening conference. I have during this meeting falling under the power of God, and I have seen many people touch. During one of the morning meeting, the anointing fall strongly, I did feel the rivers of water inside of me, like I never before have sense it. Lord did do something deep in my spirit during this morning.

That touch did change me during that meeting. I did get a full conviction and understanding of my vision, why I’m here at the RBI school, and what I will do in the future. Now I feel the deep anointing, the anointing flowing inside of me. It’s a different anointing that I have experience before.

He did reveal my vision; I was so happy that I cried. During that meeting I did come closer to the Lord. I did during the meetings learn more about the anointing, by sensing His presence. My eyes did get more open to it, and I’m so amazed over what God have done in me in this short period of time.

I realize how important it is to stand, or be under the anointing. I can see how I’m changed in many areas in my life during my time at The River. My strongest wish is to tell people that there is a Savior, which really exists. He does amazing things with people, setting them free from what ever you can imagine.

My hope is now to maintain the faith level I have here at The River. I thank God out of my whole heart for the work He have done in me, and what He continuing doing in me….

Rodney Howard Browne – Gary W. Testimony

Since school started God has been revealing to me where in my character he wants me to improve. I have started to tackle my pride, laziness, and impatience. I used to be worried about how I appeared to others when I worshiped in the church. God spoke to me in His Word that if I exalted myself, I would be humbled. However, if I humbled myself, He would exalt me. I realized I didn’t need to worry about what others might think of me but I should hold nothing back and press into His Presence.

In our second week of our revival, Pastor Todd gave what seemed to be an unpopular message about faith that spoke to me. I learned how to correctly apply faith to my job search. I now rest on the promise of God’s favor over the work of my hands. God has increased my patience as well. I learned that the more I trust God, the less I worry about His timing. I started school without knowing how it would work out money-wise.

I had even sown my Bible right before school started. Since I have started school, someone has already given me a textbook and I know more of God’s provision is on the way. I am excited about what God has been doing in me. My wife said she can already see a change. I look forward to growing more in character, knowledge, and relationship with God here in RBI…..